Originally thought that six months will be able to live in a new house. As a result, the duration of the renovation will be extended again and again. As a result, the check-in time will be further and later. Especially for the new house, the extension of the construction period will cause a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, the invisible expenses also increased. There are two main reasons for the extension of the general construction period. One is the malicious delay of the decoration company. Another common reason is that it does not have a clear plan, and there are other factors that lead to the construction period. After one delay, Xiao Bian gave everyone a chance to sort out how long it took for each part of the renovation.

First, structural transformation: concrete walls, clear slag (usually 2-3 days)

If the type of apartment you buy is not square and does not evade all kinds of feng shui, it will only depend on later changes. The dismantling and general design of the wall is dismantled, the wall is piled up, the floating window sill is removed, and the floating window sill is piled up.

Houses within 90 square meters are not nearly as big as 1-2 days in terms of demolition and modification, and it will take 2-3 days to make changes to slightly larger concrete walls and the like. If you do not renovate this at home, you can subtract this time.

Second, hydropower reform, slotted piping (at least 5-10 days)

The hydropower reform involves the grooving, wiring, piping, and acceptance. It is inseparable from the construction design drawings and may be modified according to the structure of the wall. According to the complexity of the project, the duration varies from 5-10 days. According to the size of the house, the line schedule will be adjusted.

Note: After the plumber enters the field, he can call the plumber to write a list of switch panels and lights. You can purchase it as soon as possible!

Third, masonry projects, including pipe wrapping, waterproofing, tiling, etc. (at least 10-15 days)

Mud engineering says it is waterproof and tiling.

The waterproofing should be based on the size of the kitchen and bathroom, the usage habits, the waterproof height to be done and so on, plus the water closing test after the release of the water. The time is again 2 days (closed water experiments and other space tiles can be performed at the same time).

The complexity of the tiles' tile size depends on whether it is necessary to cut the flowers and so on, so the time spent varies. Infrared positioning, etc. are also required before paving, and drying is required after the paving is completed. The general time is about 15 days.

Note: After the mason comes into play, when it comes to waterproofing, it is necessary to open the tile list. Tiles should be allowed to enter the field within 2 days after the mason enters the field, so as not to delay the construction period because of their own reasons!

Decoration construction knowledge

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